Obtaining Code Violation Lists for Real Estate Wholesalers

Introduction to Code Violations

Code violations are infractions of local ordinances and regulations that govern property maintenance, zoning, health, and safety.

As a real estate wholesaler, understanding the significance of code violations can be beneficial for finding motivated sellers and identifying potential investment opportunities.

Code enforcement ensures community standards are met, safeguards public safety, and maintains property values.

In this article, we will explore how real estate wholesalers can obtain code violation lists from local municipalities in the United States.

These lists serve as valuable resources for finding motivated sellers who may be willing to sell their properties at a discounted price.

Let's dive into accessing code violation information and leveraging it to market effectively to motivated sellers.

What's A Code Violation?

Code violations occur when properties fail to meet the minimum standards set by localities for safety, sanitation, and suitability.

These violations range from major issues leading to building condemnation to minor infractions such as overgrown lawns, unshoveled snow, debris on the property, unregistered vehicles, and home maintenance issues, to name a few.

For homeowners facing code violations, it can create financial and legal burdens, making them potential candidates to be motivated sellers.

Accessing Code Violation Lists

Real estate wholesalers can utilize the following methods to find code violations in their target areas:

1) Local Municipality Offices: Begin by visiting your city or county offices and requesting access to code violation lists.

While some localities readily provide this information as public records, others may initially decline. In such cases, familiarize yourself with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a federal law that guarantees public access to government records.

Submit a formal request using the appropriate FOIA form, compelling local authorities to comply with the law and share the code violation lists.

2) Building Relationships with Inspectors: Cultivating relationships with code enforcement inspectors can provide invaluable insights into recent code violations and properties with potential issues.

Engage in conversations with inspectors when you encounter them during their inspections. They can provide firsthand information and guidance on contacting homeowners with code violations.

Establishing rapport with inspectors ensures access to up-to-date information in your target area.

Marketing to Code Violation Lists

Once you have obtained a code violation list, follow these steps to market to motivated sellers effectively:

1) Property Evaluation: Review the properties listed and prioritize those that align with your investment goals as a wholesaler.

Consider factors such as location, property condition, and potential for improvement. Identify properties that offer opportunities for value-add, renovations, or attracting investor interest.

2) Marketing Strategies: Implement targeted marketing strategies to reach motivated sellers with code violations.

Utilize online and offline channels, such as direct mail campaigns, local advertisements, social media platforms, and real estate investor networks.

Tailor your marketing messages to resonate with the challenges faced by homeowners dealing with code violations, showcasing your ability to provide solutions and alleviate their burdens.

3) Contacting Homeowners: Obtain homeowners' contact information from the tax assessor's online records or other available sources.

Reach out to them directly, expressing your interest in purchasing their property. Craft your communication to address their specific situation, emphasizing how selling to a wholesaler can provide a quick and hassle-free solution to their code violation issues.

Highlight the benefits of a fast closing, no repairs required, and a straightforward transaction process.

Code Violation List Request Instructions

Get The Residential Code Violation List From Any City

  • Download Our Custom FOIA Form(Freedom of Information Act)
  • Fill Out The Form With Your Contact Information​
  • Email Mail It To The City Clerk's Office of The City You Desire The List From.

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